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Is the DS1001A demodulator suitable for transmitter measurements?


Is the DS1001A demodulator suitable for transmitter measurements?


No. There are several transimitter measurements that the DS1001A can not do. The ICMP (Incidental Carrier Phase Modulation) measuremments can not be made by the DS1001A because it has too much phase noise. The Depth of Modulation measurements also can not be made by the DS1001A because it requires an envelope detection mode and the DS1001A only has a synchronous detection mode. To make accurate transmitter measurement a 1450-1 or TV1350 (shipped after July 1998) can be used because they have both synchronous and envelope detection and low phase noise. The DS1001A is best suited for use in cable systems for remote headends and for rebroadcast or other processing.

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FAQ ID 61976

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