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Compliance: What does it mean when the units for the compliance value blink on the front panel?


Compliance: What does it mean when the units for the compliance value blink on the front panel?


The instrument is in range compliance. Generally, this occurs when the measurement range is less than the programmed compliance value. If the compliance limit is set to 100mA and the instrument is set to the 10mA measurement range, an output value of 90mA would satisfy the compliance limit but exceed the measurement range. Therefore, to avoid damaging itself, the SourceMeter instruments limit the output current to 10mA, not the programmed 100mA level. This can be easily fixed by increasing the measurement range by using the RANGE UP and DOWN buttons. For most applications, just ensure that the measurement and compliance ranges are the same.

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제품 시리즈: 2400 그래픽 시리즈 SMU


FAQ ID 70946

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